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Be kind today!

You can be kind to people in lots of ways.

Everybody needs a bit of kindness every now and then. Today, 17 February is Random Acts of Kindness Day.

You can be kind to people in lots of ways. Kindness often spreads kindness too, so show you care and inspire someone else to do the same. Who knows, you may just change the world! Here are some suggestions on how you can be randomly kind in honour of the day:

1. Bring doughnuts or cupcakes with you to work. The sweet treats will get everyone in the office on your good side.

2. Buy a meal for someone less fortunate. Everyone knows a beggar who stands near a fast-food outlet, surprise him with a meal. Or alternatively, take a plate of your dinner to the homeless man who lives near your house. The small gesture won’t cost you much but it could mean the difference between him going to bed hungry or falling asleep with a nice full tummy.

3. Donate some of your old clothing to a shelter or someone less fortunate. Get the whole family in on the job. For 10 minutes each of you can clean out their closet and donate the a bundle of clothing to those in need.

4. Smile at a stranger. Sometimes just a simple smile is all it takes to make someones day. There have been cases where smiles from strangers have even prevented suicides! So don’t be stingy with your smiles, show a random person those pearly whites.

5. Email, write or send a message to someone who made a difference in your life. It could be a cousin, an old friend or a teacher from years ago. It’s wonderful to hear how you’ve impacted someone’s life positively, allow someone who deserves it to have that experience.

6. Give someone a gap in your lane while you’re in traffic this morning. You could be the reason that person isn’t late the third time this week.

7. Talk to the shy person sitting by themselves. It may not seem like it but often the shyest person in the room just wants you to talk to them, no one likes to feel alone.

8. Cut someone some slack. This goes out to all the bosses and parents out there. Relax your grip for one day, those under you will really appreciate it.

9. Not everyone can afford a newspaper, leave yours behind on a bench or table for someone else to read.

10. Let the person in front of you with only a few items or a bunch of rowdy children go ahead of you at the supermarket. They’re usually the most desperate to just get out of there.

11. Make an encouraging, super motivational playlist for someone who’s going through a rough time. That very playlist could be the thing that gets them through it.

12. Give someone a hug. Not everyone likes them, but most everyone needs them. Giving a hug is an easy thing to do that will really lift someones day.

13. Put sticky notes with positive or encouraging slogans in public restrooms, around your office or on random cars. It’s a sweet gesture that will make someones day.

14. Many people travel through toll gates daily. If that person happens to be you, pay the toll for the car behind you.

15. Say thank you to someone who often goes under appreciated. These include, cleaners, janitors,car-guards, teachers, maybe even parents. Let them know that their service is needed and appreciated.

How will you show someone some kindness today?

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