
Something was not right

Concerned from Florida writes: I’m a concerned Roodepoorter and SA resident. Last week Thursday, 26 November, a group of three men walked into our complex and started knocking on doors looking for ‘young Islamic men’. I’m very religious and race tolerant, but this seemed out of line as the three men dressed in white saris looked very …

Concerned from Florida writes:

I’m a concerned Roodepoorter and SA resident.

Last week Thursday, 26 November, a group of three men walked into our complex and started knocking on doors looking for ‘young Islamic men’.

I’m very religious and race tolerant, but this seemed out of line as the three men dressed in white saris looked very foreign. One of the three was European white, and while I may be wrong, but the other two were certainly not locals either. I could pick this up from their physique and accent.

I have neighbours of different religions and I live in security with them, but I promise, you something was just not familiar with that trio.

With a whole lot of acts of terrorism in Europe and north Africa, we could never be complacent about this. I recall the Interpol wanted the British “‘Widow’, who was once a resident of Mayfair?

Like I mentioned before I don’t have any hard feelings about different religions and I don’t wish to point fingers or offend anyone but this may be closer to home that we think.

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