Editor's note

Was it a Black Friday?

The main topic in the newsroom last week was Black Friday. Everybody geared up, counted their money and planned on how they are going to tackle the crowd on Friday. Shopping lists were drawn up and ooh’s and aah’s were heard throughout the week. When Friday arrived, the journalists, however, were planted behind their desks, …

The main topic in the newsroom last week was Black Friday.

Everybody geared up, counted their money and planned on how they are going to tackle the crowd on Friday. Shopping lists were drawn up and ooh’s and aah’s were heard throughout the week.

When Friday arrived, the journalists, however, were planted behind their desks, saying they would go later the day. It is uncertain whether they went shopping or not. It was the one day, I was going to miss, despite all the specials.

I have a low tolerance for rude people and shopping rage was not high on my list.

This morning, many people aired their views on how the day went. Some said never again, others just laughed at the antics of the shoppers as they relayed what went down at the numerous shopping centres. Apparently a woman, who was supposed to only take six bags of washing powder, took about eight. Another woman saw that and decided to shop out of the woman’s cart. Things took a turn for the worst when the first woman hit the other over the head with a 2l wine bottle.

People tend to forget about share and humanity during these time. Queues were never ending and shoppers apparently lost their cool more than once.

Was it worth waking up at the crack of dawn to stand in a queue for hours on end just to save a few Rand on items? Some might think it was, while others feel differently.

I would like to know from you, our readers, if you participated in Black Friday.

If you did, how did it go? Did you encounter any problems in the shops or did it go smooth sailing?

Please let me know. Send your letter to roelienv@caxton.co.za

Until next week, be kind to one another, especially during this time of the year.

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