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Ex-druggie gives insight to Goldman scene

In a press statement, he said he knows the accusations to not be random hearsay.

You could spot a drug “runner” every ten to 20 metres on Goldman Street, a recovering drug addict told the Record.

Within 40 minutes of having broadcast our initial article on a store front allegedly selling drugs, a young man contacted the Record.

“It is true,” he said.

Goldman Street is full of drugs and has been for quite a few years.

“From the cheapest dagga to your more expensive drugs like heroin, cat and cocaine you can buy from a runner, which you’ll spot every ten to 20 metres on the busy street.

“No need to even contact a dealer to get you some drugs.”

He told the Record that both dealers, runners and addicts have become “cocky” and do not care who sees them dealing or buying drugs.

“It is becoming more of a social thing and seems to be approved or at least ignored by the residents in the area.”

He implied that similar areas exist in and around Roodepoort but would not elaborate.

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