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Is Eskom preparing for power apocalypse?

DA demands answers.

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa and Eskom needs to take the nation into their confidence and be frank about the possibility of a national blackout, says DA Parliamentary leader Mmusi Maimane.

Leaked documents show that Eskom is allegedly running simulation exercises in preparation for a national blackout. These simulation exercises are being run under the codename Breaking Dawn, under the command of Ayanda Noah, Eskom’s Chairperson of the Emergency Response Command Centre.

On 18 March, during an Oral Questions Session with the Deputy President, Maimane asked Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa if he was aware of any drills being run in preparation for a national blackout. The Deputy President replied, stating that “I am not aware of any provincial war rooms that are conducting drills in case of system failure and I guess that if that was happening I am sure the national war room would have been aware of such activities.”

According to Maimane this is in stark contrast to an Eskom briefing document dated 17 March on operation Breaking Dawn, which stated that these simulation exercises were being conducted. The briefing document reads:

“Eskom annually undertakes a national exercise to prepare the organization for responding to extreme events. In the past these exercises have addressed issues such as emergency demand reduction. This year’s exercise will address a national blackout scenario, as confirmed by the Mancom Operations Committee.”

“Given the Deputy President’s position in government and the War Room falling within his purview, it seems highly unlikely that he would not be aware of Breaking Dawn. Did Ramaphosa intentionally mislead the nation?” asked Maimane.

Maimane has now written to Ramaphosa asking the following:

• An accurate, comprehensive report on the maintenance needs of power stations;

• The likelihood of a national blackout; and

• A fortnightly briefing by the Deputy President to the National Assembly on the state of Eskom.

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