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Smashed and grabbed in under a minute

A recent video doing the rounds online is that of a smash-and-grab incident earlier in January.

The vehicle in question was at the time at the intersection of Cambridge and Witkoppen, but Roodepoort resident Hendrik Botes shared it on a popular crime prevention group on facebook, warning neighbours travelling this and other traffic-intense routes to their offices about it.

The whole of the smash-and-grab took under a minute to complete in peak-hour traffic at around 6.20 pm on 15 January.

A man who appears to be a beggar approaches the female driver’s window casually. The next moment, he throws an unidentifiable object through the window.

Throwing half his body into her vehicle, the ‘beggar’ grabs what he wants before escaping over a traffic barrier and into some nearby bushes.

In the original EWN report, Craig Jennings, the man whose dashboard camera recorded the footage, said that the robber made away with the driver’s cellphone and the broken glass had cut her arm.

See the video here:

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