
Video: Muggers dance at petrol station

CCTV footage from a mugging that allegedly occurred at a petrol station near Westgate Shopping Centre is currently doing the rounds on facebook. The video, uploaded by Top CCTV Security & Surveillance and produced by Eagleye, shows how muggers dance and appear to beg in order to distract motorists stopping at the petrol station from …

CCTV footage from a mugging that allegedly occurred at a petrol station near Westgate Shopping Centre is currently doing the rounds on facebook.

The video, uploaded by Top CCTV Security & Surveillance and produced by Eagleye, shows how muggers dance and appear to beg in order to distract motorists stopping at the petrol station from their plans.

In the video, a believed female motorist is distracted by their dancing around her vehicle. Within seconds a mugger sticks his arm through her window to grab something off the dashboard and proceeds to struggle with her to open the vehicle’s door.

Other muggers surround the vehicle and manage to open the door, grabbing and getting away with a handbag and several other items.

Petrol attendants are seen standing idly by as the situation unfolds.

The footage was shared on facebook as a warning to motorists across South Africa. It has been shared 5 622 times, been liked 305 times and been viewed 131 666 times since first being uploaded on 27 November.

Some facebook users’ comments on the video:

• Rudolph Espach: “Tipies die petrol attendand sien daars fout maar hy doen absoluut niks moes saam hulle gewees het!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

• Ingie Pingie: “Shocking…just have to look after yourself, don’t expect attendents to help, its a risk to heir lives too anyway why should THEY care!! To these people it is alomost a right of passage to just take what they want!!”

• Ben Zeelie: “do what my friend did – grab the arm hold on and drive past the pillar or drag him at high speed then let go.”

• Duncan Peter-pan Crowie: “so whats the real purpose of the cameras if guys like this are allowed to walk around and dance at the garage asking for money… should they not be told to leave? cause clearly they are not there for petrol.”

• Kathy Meneses: “These videos are actually so helpful. Windows up and no-one comes near my car who is not meant to be there. The driver had time to drive off but was distracted by the begging.”

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