
PDSA a life saver

Not all humans are in it for the money.

Anonymous (email)

What an ordeal we had. We bought a puppy at a pet shop and was so impressed with its gorgeous face that we went to buy the last one as well. Needless to say, it was a Sunday and we were ecstatic.

By Wednesday the little puppy had a severe runny tummy and we became very worried. Thursday, we were going to take them for their vaccinations as they did not get any before. Thursday at midday I received a call from my daughter, saying the puppy is not eating and is very sick. I left work and rushed home. After speaking to the pet shop, who said they were not responsible for the health of the puppies, we went to the vet on Ontdekkers Road. They wanted between R3 000 and R5 000 per puppy for treatment.

A friendly bystander told us about the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) in Soweto that helped him previously. So, off we – three very nervous whites – went to Soweto. What a pleasant experience.

We sat down with all the other puppy parents and waited our turn. This was so pleasant. The chatter was friendly and upbeat. On our turn to go in, we were received by an extremely helpful lady that was so sympathetic and caring. It was such a pleasant surprise. Quick and efficient and to the point.

Armed with two injected, meds-upped puppies and lots of good advice, we left for home. A measly R100 poorer.

How is this possible that an animal can be helped for R100 but the next vet wants R3 000 to R5 000 per puppy before they even look at the puppy?

Sad. Needless to say we will never recommend that pet shop or vet to any body else and will urge all the readers to support the PDSA.

Wow, great to know that all humans are not just in it for the money but actually care for these beautiful little creatures.

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