
Principal wants to keep it in the dark

I’m a pupil at Hoërskool Die Burger.

Hello. I would love to remain anonymous, I’m a pupil at Hoërskool Die Burger.

We have very little classes and are on ‘toesig’/ subs for the majority of the day.

Our principal wanted to keep it in the dark! He refused for us to contact any newspapers! But I saw your article online and thought I had to have a say about it!

My Maths teacher left and it looks like she will not return any time soon! Which means I will not pass! We (all pupils of the school) will end up repeating the grades we are currently in! Majority of our school comes late! We urge parents to help and give support to us in our time of need!

The teachers were so desperate that they were willing to pay R1 000 each just so that the teachers who left could stay for the month of July!

But the principal made them leave with such disrespect!

No PROPER farewell! Our school is falling apart! And we need all the help we can get!!!

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  1. Dis jammer dat so baie mense vinnig is om die hoof te blameer . Dit terwyl die groot probleem by die ouers le. Skoolfonds is R410 per maand, en die word net eenvoudig nie betaal nie .
    En niemand is in die donker gehou nie, daar was al vir maande lank vooraf gewaarsku!

  2. My daughter is at The Burger. The first day of school this term there wwre 7 teachers absent, the 2nd day as well. Since then everyday at least for one subject they are sitting on the sports ground. I am one of the parents who actually pay school fees and my account is showing that I have paid nothing this year. Then I have to pay for copies of the work that my child needs to do otherwise she cannot get the work. So pls, I do blame the school, they think they are on holiday, they stay off when they want, have meetings in school time, they smoke in the classrooms and outside, they swear at the children. They need to set the example. Yes the children are brats and very rude, but then the school needs to take them to hand. They now have a SGB, they need to discipline them. 3 strokes and you are out. The school is too soft. My daughter said she backchatted a teacher because she shouted at her for no reason and pulled her out the class. Theses teachers also need to be taught a lesson. Respect is earned!!!!!!!!!

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