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Near-victim of hijacking tells her story

Tuesday night in Elsenburg Street, Witpoortjie, was terrifying, she says.

The woman that nearly was hijacked in her driveway in Witpoortjie on Tuesday night (15 July) is thankful to be able to tell her story.

She almost was hijacked in Elsenburg Street, Witpoortjie, on Tuesday night after she stopped her vehicle in her driveway.

“I got home yesterday afternoon, my child was sitting in the back of the vehicle, and I got out to open the gate.

“When I turned around, another vehicle with four men in it had stopped near us.”

She said two men came running towards her when one jumped into the driver’s seat of her vehicle while the other got into the passenger seat.

“The man behind the steering wheel had already slammed the door shut and was ready to leave when I pleaded with him to allow me to take my child.”

The man instructed her to take the child and as she moved around the vehicle to open the door, a bakkie stopped behind her vehicle.

“I started shouting for helped and called my mother when the man behind the steering wheel pulled out a gun.

“I dodged, thinking he was about to shoot me.

“The next moment the suspects got out of the vehicle, leaving it in reverse gear, and ran to their vehicle and they sped off.”

She hastily ran to the vehicle to pull up the handbrake and in the process, the vehicle backed into the bakkie behind her.

“Thank the Lord that my child is safe and with me,” she says.

“If it wasn’t for the gentleman and his bakkie, they would have sped off with my vehicle and my child and I would’ve been wounded or dead.”

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One Comment

  1. When will the people ever learn… when ever you stop and get out your car even to open the gate never ever leave your car idling or the keys in the car that is the first stupid thing you can ever do and you know it is not save!!! Every thing happens very quick in an eye blink and she is very very lucky for the guy in the bakkie !! if it wasn’t for him it could off turned out differently !!! Keep save next time lady!!

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