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Update: Die Burger apathetic towards fight incident

Girls allegedly fight again.

On 18 March another school fight broke out again close to Hoërskool die Burger, which allegedly was attended by about 150 pupils according to an eyewitness.

This comes hot on the heels of a fight two weeks ago between two female pupils in which one girl ended up in hospital with potential brain damage.

When the Record phoned the school on the day, their offices unfortunately were closed already.

On 19 March the Record did get hold of the school but the headmaster, Basie Smit was on leave and the Deputy Headmaster was not available. The secretary who answered the phone did manage to put the Record through to a Gert Bezuidenhout who is in charge of discipline at the school.

Bezuidenhout told the Record that he was aware of the incident but that it involved two girls in plain clothes and the third a female pupil. He did not reveal though whether the third girl was a pupil of Hoërskool Die Burger.

He also pointed out the fact again, as was the case in the previous fight, that it happened after school.

He did not want to answer the Record’s question of whether a system could be put in place where this sort of behaviour could be curbed. He repeatedly interrupted the conversation claiming the Record’s previous reporting was “verdraaid” (twisted) and “snert” (rubbish) even though the Record published the Headmaster and both sets of parents involved in the incident’s versions.

On the Record’s website a pupil from the school vehemently defended the school, saying that he/ she “just want to say that the school has a working discipline system, our education is on a good standard. I honestly don’t think people from outside can judge! When kids fight its their decision to do so. This fight did not happen on school grounds, so I don’t think it is the school’s problem. This is the first fight in a very long time – no need to write a book hey?” (sic).

It is assumed that this pupil is unaware of the previous fight two weeks ago, which caused an uproar among parents, pupils and ex-pupils on the Record website’s comment platform.

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  1. The fighting 2 weeks ago were kept quiet. My sister who is in grade 12 did not know of it untill I told her after seeing it on facebook. They still don’t know how the girl that was in hospital or maybe still is, is doing. But him stating that there is a working discipline system, that’s nonsense. Do yourselfs a favour and just sit outside the school one afternoon when the school gets out. Look at how the kids are dressed, smoking in what they call “uniform”. The untidy hairstyles and colouring of it. The girls wearing more make-up than what I do to work.

  2. Ek is n ouer wat smiddae vir my kind voor die skool wag en sien baie middae hoe kindera saamdrom om toedkouers van n geveg te wees. Ek wil net graag weet, of n kind in skooldrag nie meer die skool se verantwoordelikheid is nie? Lyk my dut is maar die beste om maar net voor te gee als gaan goed. Duane, jy is ook seker maar verblind deur jou hoofseu
    n baadjie. Shame. Ouers, leer julle ook nie jul kinders om ander te respekteer nie. Dogters wat mekaar op straat te lyf gaan…genade. wonder hoe gaan dit in jul huise

  3. People we need to ask ourself what is going on at DIe Burger last week the grade 8 students did not write their English exam papers because their teacher “forgot” to draw up a test die them. Now the school has a new teacher for Afrikaans no offense a “black” teacher but he only speaks English and if the puples asks him something in Afrikaans he replies “sorry I don’t understand you” when they hand in assignments for Afrikaans and they did it in Afrikaans he gives them 0 and tells them to accept the 0 or do the assignment over in English? But he is there as an Afrikaans teacher? What can we as parents do or where can report this?!?

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