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Goldman Street’s lawless chaos

Main road in Florida CBD worsens by the day.

The traffic situation in Goldman Street has long been a concern but as of late it has turned into nothing short of chaos.

It has become clear that there are not enough parking bays to accommodate everybody. This leads to motorists double-parking in the two lanes, essentially reducing the road to one narrow lane for vehicles going both ways.

Vehicles also have to overtake on the white line, often not being able to see the oncoming traffic. Schoolchildren find it difficult to cross the road and to make the matter worse, some of the traffic lights are not working.

Although the law is broken so blatantly it does not seem to be addressed by JMPD and the SAPS.

Goldman Street also has become the street of choice in Florida to pick up drugs and it is rumoured that car guards act as runners for the drug bosses.

“This is a lack-of-policing problem. I am supposed to have the JMPD 10 Plus rolled out in my ward to enforce by-laws but they are nowhere to be seen. That is why there is such chaos and people do as they please. Furthermore the central business district will have to be revised seriously and the parking problem addressed,” says Councillor for the area, Dave Dewes.

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