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How domestic workers can help to fight crime

Helderkloof Neigbourhood Watch adds to their arsenal in the fight against crime.

The Helderkloof Neighbourhoodwatch (HNW) has a novel but potentially effective new project to fight crime.

This comes in the shape of a Domestic Workers Forum (DWF) and consists of providing training in fighting crime to those people who are such an integral part of residents’ lives and who often spend more time at residents’ homes than the residents themselves.

The HNW hosts a DWF to partner with all domestic workers and gardeners effectively, thereby building strong relationships within the HelderKloof area. Domestic workers are very much a part of the community as they are responsible for thei places of employment during the day when their employers are at work. In many instances they are the ones who not only take care of children but walk the streets on a daily basis.

Domestic workers need to be empowered daily to be safe in residents’ homes. They also need to know that they can go about their daily routine safely without any fear as a result of criminal activity because they have the full support of the community, sector police and their employers.

The goals of the DWF are to assist domestic workers to:

• understand their safety and that the employer’s home is of utmost importance – a top priority

• be well educated in the area of criminal tactics and how to counteract them proactively

• be observant, vigilant and to question why someone or a vehicle has been in the area or on the street corner for a long time

• be effective members of the community through reporting any suspicious activity

• effectively communicate with other domestic workers in the community, security providers and sector police through various mediums

• openly share their experiences so that they are equipped better and provide the ongoing support they need

• build strong relationships with their employers

The Domestic Worker Forum is conducted in the domestic workers’ home language to ensure that their participation is positive, effective and active.

If residents of the HelderKloof area need assistance in setting up a Domestic Worker Forum, please contact the chairman of the HelderKloof Domestic Worker Forum, Chantal Colling on 0768494042.

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