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Hard day at the office for brave kayaker at Nationals

… but the club is still positive.

Michael Benci from the Florida Lake Canoe Club (FLCC) – known to never let a kayaking experience pass him by – still has his club on his side following a disappointing National Freestyle Championships on the Vaal River in Parys recently.

“Although Michael failed to get placed in his category and age group, he gained an enormous amount of skill and confidence from competing with and against the more experienced white water paddlers in South Africa,” says FLCC and Gauteng Canoe Union (GCU) spokesperson Jennie Dallas.

She adds, “Michael is a multi-talented member of FLCC, and a resident in Florida, where he also enjoys being a Scout master.

“He thrives on adventure, excitement, kayaking in all forms and never misses an opportunity to enjoy the experiences of the white water paddlers or the surf freestyle competitions.”

Jennie explained how tough such a competition can be.

“These competitions have beginner, intermediate and advanced categories where participants swirl, twist, turn, flip, stand on their boat nose and even balance on their boat’s tail, making every effort to stay afloat in rough, constantly changing waves ever more rewarding.

“It can take up to four hours, nine heats and 120 individual runs before such a competition is over and the winners are announced.”

Allegedly the Sunwa River Resort and Conference Center provides superb opportunities for kayakers to enjoy the best part of the Vaal River.

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