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Thirsty thieves target elderly woman – shootout follows

Two arrests made.

Florida — Florida South African Police Service (SAPS) managed to arrest two criminals who attempted to rob a house and failed, which led to a shootout with the police.

According to Colonel T Marite of the Florida SAPS, “An elderly woman was watering plants in her garden at her house in 4th Avenue early on Friday morning 27 September when a group of men suddenly appeared, one of them claiming to be thirsty.

“While the woman was occupied, two other men gained entrance from the back of the premises, her inside the home.

“The woman screamed loudly after which the neighbors alerted the police. When the police arrived, the suspects ran away.

“Police gave chase and a shootout occurred. No one was injured and we eventually managed to arrest two suspects who were hiding next to Sparrow Village. One unfortunately managed to escape.

“We also confiscated one firearm (Star 9mm).”

Captain Lydia Dikolomela confirmed, “The two arrested men, both in their 20s, face charges of attempted murder and for being in possession of an unlicensed firearm and ammunition”.

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