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Student responds to ‘Evil Ouklip Road’

Danger: Ouklip Road

In recent months, Ouklip Road has claimed more lives than it should. Or rather, has reckless and drunk driving claimed too many lives circumstantially in the same location?

After reading about the first fatal accident on 30 June involving two young men in their 20s, I was left with a heavy heart. Why should anyone have to pass in such a way? However, tragedy struck again when another car ploughed into a tree not far from the first accident on 2 August.

Such incidents should bring road safety to anyone’s mind and not only those who should be doing something about it, such as the JMPD or the Roads Agency.

Despite countless attempts and campaigning against driving under the influence, many individuals continue to take chances. We go to great lengths to protect ourselves, but fail to think about protecting others. It would be careless and selfish of me to get behind the wheel with any alcohol in my system, never mind being over the legal limit.

By doing such a thing I put my own life and my passengers’ lives in danger, not to mention other individuals on the road. For my own safety I choose to avoid driving late at night when such incidents often occur.

Which relates directly to the point I’m trying to make. Why should the innocent individuals of society have to fear being on the roads because of other people’s careless and reckless choices? We should be living in a society where we take responsibility for ourselves and show our neighbours the respect they deserve. We can do this by choosing not to drive under the influence, or to exceed speed limits especially at night and on smaller roads.

The incidents of Ouklip Road should be a wake-up call for society. It should be encouraging each individual to take responsibility for themselves and to respect others. Choosing to pay a taxi or designated driver service to take you home instead of driving drunk is one simple way anyone can make a difference.

When it comes to the officials such as the JMPD, regular road blocks at night, especially on weekends near entertainment venues and on dangerous roads like Ouklip should be a permanent fixture to curb the problem of drunk driving.

The more consequences that action has, the greater change we will see in individual behaviour, making our neighbourhoods and roads a safer place for everyone.

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