Mandela DayNews

Lions roar for Mandela Day

STRUBEN'S VALLEY - Five Lions Clubs come together for Mandela Day to give back to homeless people.

Having nothing to keep you warm in the cold winter months is enough to break anyone’s spirit and makes it difficult to get up and keep moving.

The Lions Club and five of its district clubs came together at Clearwater Mall for their Sleep Tight project, which involved the members making sleeping bags out of recycled plastic and newspapers to hand out to homeless people from all around Johannesburg.

Sandy van Heerden, Lions Club public relations officer for the district, explained that its motto is to serve the community wherever there is a need. She added there are many people on the street who are cold because they have no blankets. “We decided to make these sleeping bags as they can’t be sold as they’re made from plastic and newspaper and have no real value. They also won’t be stolen,” said Van Heerden.

The sleeping bags fold up nicely, which makes them easy for people to carry around. “We aim to make more than 500 sleeping bags in July and we’re halfway there,” said Van Heerden. She said members of the Lions Club each have a blanket with them and if they see someone in need, they can hand a blanket out, as a random act of kindness.

Bernd Gerhard, the Lions Club district governor said the mere fact that people from five clubs are giving up their Sunday to provide warmth and comfort to people in need is fantastic. “If you see these people’s faces when they receive a blanket, they have so much appreciation,” said Gerhard.

Details: The Lions Club, 083 564 6388.

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