
UPDATE: No leads in Glocell robbery

WELTEVREDEN PARK - Detectives have no leads in the Glocell robbery.

Honeydew SAPS has confirmed that there are no developments or suspects arrested for the Glocell robbery that took place on 9 June at Town Square.

For the initial report: Glocell robbed at gunpoint

Warrant Officer Karen Jacobs of Honeydew SAPS said business robberies and business burglaries are showing an increase in the Honeydew precinct. Business owners and managers are urged to ensure that they have adequate security in place.

Honeydew Police issued the following tips with regards to preventing business robberies:

  • Test the security on a regular basis to ensure that panic buttons are working
  • Ensure that you have all the emergency numbers visible for your staff members in case of an emergency, especially after hours
  • Security guards must be visited after hours and ensure that they know who to contact in case of emergencies.
  • Safety tips in the business premises:
  • Try to avoid the accumulation of large amounts of cash in cash registers by installing drop-safes
  • Strategically install surveillance cameras and implement some form of access control. Make sure all persons, including visitors, can be clearly identified
  • Keep the premises well-illuminated inside and outside
  • Take special precautionary measures at opening and closing times. Do not leave only one person responsible for opening and locking up the business
  • Take special precautions with regard to the handling and transporting of cash
  • Thoroughly screen employees and involve employees in the security planning and execution, but also keep in mind the danger of information leaks and stick to a need-to-know basis.
  • Devise a security plan, including ways to raise the alarm in the case of emergency and procedures to follow if suspicious individuals approach or enter the premises
  • Consolidate efforts to enhance security by involving neighboring businesses in mutual assistance
  • Consult experts and install or erect as many security features as possible to deter criminals.

The Broll Property Management group has confirmed the robbery but is yet to comment on the security of the Town Square.

Details: Honeydew SAPS, 011 801 8400.

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