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Life Wilgeheuwel Hospital celebrates 2 leap year babies

WILGEHEUWEL – Two premature babies pick a leap day to be born.

Life Wilgeheuwel Hospital celebrates two leap year babies this year.

Baby Taylah Naude was born at 12.29pm after she came a whole month early. “She picked the 29th of February,” said her mother Jacqueline Naude.

Jacqueline had only good things to say about the sisters at the hospital, “Sister Coleen Delbridge and Sister Linda Dixon were exceptionally helpful to me and made my experience here pleasant,” said Jacqueline.

Baby Taylah is the first baby born to Jacqueline and Omari Naude, they are also the only children from their parents. “She is the only grandchild and she will surely be spoiled,” said Omri.

Baby Taylah was born at a weight of 2.655kg. The parents said that they will celebrate Taylah’s birthday on 28 February and on 1 March, and when it is a leap year again they will throw a big party.

Wilgeheuwel Hospital’s second leap year baby was born at 1.45pm. Baby Gideon Botha came out healthy at a weight of 3,09kg

His parents Maritsa and Jan Botha were both very excited to have their second baby. Jan was especially excited that it was a boy. Maritsa was due on 13 March but Baby Gideon fought to be a special leap year baby. “Jan had a feeling that I would give birth on the 29th,” said Maritsa. Baby Gideon’s grandparents were also present. His grandfather Fikkie de Jager said that he is really happy and excited about Gideon being born on a leap day.

Gideon’s parents have not decided on how they are going to celebrate his birthday in the coming years and they are just happy that their baby is well and healthy.

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