
Take things a bit slower in 2023

A new year brings new opportunities and challenges; something we can only face if we take the time to slow down a little bit and enjoy the journey.

As the clock struck midnight on 31 December, people all around the world welcomed 2023 with loud bangs, excitement and enthusiasm, hopeful for a year filled with new challenges, opportunities and blessings.

Also read: Take all that was learned in 2022 to safely navigate 2023

As I write this editor’s note, I cannot believe that we are already into the second week of the new year and it feels that everything is just going too fast. It feels as if I am forever busy running somewhere; if not to work, gym or the shops, I am rushing to get things done, finish a quick cup of coffee or squeeze in an extra minute or two of reading. It might sound incredible, but I am already feeling exhausted, and the year has only just begun.

Also read: Trends to watch out for in 2023

I am sure that I am not the only one feeling as if the year is already slipping away, and that I just do not have enough time to get everything done and fully appreciate everything a new year offers, without missing out on anything important.

A new year brings new opportunities and challenges; something we can only face if we take the time to slow down a little bit, take a moment to be quiet and enjoy the journey.

I have seen a quote on social media, and I have decided that it will be my 2023 motto, “Slow down. Talk slower. Walk slower. Stop multitasking when you don’t have to. Do one thing at a time. Do it with intention. Be more present.”

I challenge all of you to take some time to slow down and enjoy every single challenge and opportunity that 2023 has to offer.

Until next week, stay safe and look out for each other …

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