
Roodepoort Police visit schools to win hearts and minds of the youth

“Roodepoort Police would like to thank the community and all role players for their continued efforts in reporting crime and law-breakers.”

Ensuring that the blue uniform instils trust and comfort instead of fear and anxiety, relies on building a relationship with the youth.

Throughout the first weeks of the 2021 school year, Roodepoort Police have been visiting schools to educate and inform young children. Their spokesperson, Captain Juanita Yorke, Constable Mailula and members of the Youth Desk used the opportunity to remind children and educators of their role in the ongoing fight against the coronavirus.

“The learners were educated on bullying and washing hands, wearing masks and sanitizing, and the learners were in agreement that they would listen to their parents, teachers and the police by adhering to all the rules explained to them,” said Yorke. “They were all very eager to continue with their education in a positive manner, be the shining lights of the community and to treat each other with respect and dignity,” Yorke continued.

Constable Mailula addressing the children. Photo: Supplied.

The principals of each school handed over letters of thanks to the Roodepoort Police station commander, Colonel Lucas Nkosi. The letters expressed the gratitude of the community toward the police who work tirelessly to ensure their safety and security. Additionally, Colonel Nkosi commended the members for their hard work, dedication and tireless efforts to curb crime in the community.

“Roodepoort Police would like to thank the community and all role players for their continued efforts in reporting crime and law-breakers, and helping to bring criminals to book. Members are encouraged to keep reporting criminals and their criminal activities to the Crime Stop number 08600 10111 or by downloading the My SAPS app on their cellular phones. Together we can make a difference through partnership policing,” Yorke concluded.

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