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Parkrunners given alternative ways of safe jogging

Jogging helps to fight viral infections like flu and the common cold, and also some bacterial infections.

With the temporary cancellation of the Roodepoort and Ruimsig parkruns, runners are wondering what to do to keep their parkrun blood pumping.

Running and walking outside are still a safe way to stay active if you take the necessary precaution due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Parkrunners are warned to stay away from large group, athletics events, gyms and group workouts. Although you need to keep a social and safe distance, running or going for a walk alone can still be dangerous, but running with one or two friends and keeping a distance of one metre is a safe way to get the exercise you need and still take precaution.

Runners are urged not to have contact with others along the way whom they do not know, as they would not know the status of that person and if he or had been in contact with an infected person. “The general principle should be that outside is better than inside, open is better than closed, fewer is better than more people, and stay away from sick people,” Dr Erich Anderer, a neurosurgeon and a founding member of the North Brooklyn Runners said.

Jogging stimulates the production of lymphocytes and macrophages that fight infection in the body, and helps to fight viral infections like flu and the common cold, and also some bacterial infections.

Those who are planning on continuing their daily or weekly jog or walk are urged to be careful not to sustain any injuries that will require hospital treatment to prevent addition strain on the health-care system.

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