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Recipes for home made sanitizer and immune booster

Take the DIY approach to tackling the pandemic

Two of the most important factors to consider during the Covid-19 pandemic are personal hygiene, and one’s natural defence against bacteria – the immune system. As pay day approaches and stocks are replenished, crowds can be expected at shops nationwide.

Hand sanitizer has been on everyone’s lips and fingers since the panic set in, with the product not only flying off the shelves but also inspiring some extortionate entrepreneurship. While other medications have continued their usual rate of consumption, Witpoortjie Pharmacy pharmacist, Brenda Grewar, confirmed the two items they have run out on. “Masks and hand sanitizers are sold out. We are hoping for more stock, but there is no guarantee,” she explained.

With that in mind, an industrious solution exists for those who are more DIY-inclined. A recipe has been sourced that can help those stranded without the most sought-after products of 2020:

Hand sanitizer:

– A quarter cup of distilled water

– A quarter cup of aloe vera gel

– One tablespoon of rubbing alcohol

– 10 drops of cinnamon essential oil

– 10 drops of tea tree oil

Mix well and pour into a bottle.

Immune boosters are common supplements that help the body’s natural defence shield. While chemicals from the pharmacy are proven, nature offers an abundance of sources and when combined make a tasty concoction. Two shots a day of the following will give you a quick lift and an added weapon in your body’s arsenal:

Immune booster:

Take 750ml water and add

– two bags of green tea

– two thumbs of ginger

– one row of turmeric

– two tablespoons of honey

– handful of ginseng

– one lemon

Boil to allow all ingredients to release their properties, then strain and enjoy.

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