
Control your rage at Rage Control MMA Club

MMA Club in Florida

The Rage Control Mixed Martial Club (MMA) has found a new home at Plaza Road in Florida. The club is headed by Cobus Robertson who has been an MMA fighter for seven years. With a record of six wins and a single loss, Robertson wants to share his expertise in one of the country’s rising sports.

“The sport piqued my interest when I saw it on television because it’s physical and I felt it would be the right fit for me. This made me want to make a difference in the sport and make my mark,” he said.

Robertson was trained by Paul Williams and refers to him as more of a brother than a coach. He taught Robertson the necessary tools to survive and thrive in the ring.

Cobus Robertson has Ryno Kern in a submission hold.
Cobus Robertson has Ryno Kern in a submission hold.

“He taught me self respect, self defence and discipline, and those are the principles I want to pass on to those I train.”

Robertson’s first fight was against EFC fighter Gareth Sawyer. The match served as a valuable lesson to Robertson as it opened his eyes to the competition.

“The man [Sawyer] has a heart of gold. We went in there and hurt each other – with me hurting the most. I left that match with a broken sternum but he didn’t leave the ring unscathed either. But since then I have also learned much from him and that’s made me want to do more for the sport.”

Since then, Robertson went on to open up an MMA gym in Helderkruin three years ago but a newborn baby in his family saw him closing down his gym to focus on his family.

“I wanted to return to combat but my wife would not have it – but she was willing to let me become a trainer. She knows its my love and passion, but she wanted me to stick to training only. We then moved the gym to Florida where our neighbours are the Shunkenkan Ju-Jitsu Club. I enjoy training people and watching their growth under my tutelage.”

Although Robertson is experienced in the sport, he shares that his low point is when a fighter wants to bully.

“I don’t tolerate bullying of any kind. When that occurs in my gym, I put a stop to it immediately. Yes, this sport is centered on combat, but your attitude plays a factor too”, he said.

Cobus Robertson has Ryno Kern in a submission hold. Photos: Sonwabile Antonie
Cobus Robertson has Ryno Kern in a submission hold. Photos: Sonwabile Antonie

Robertson is now hoping this move will give those who are interested in the sport an opportunity to train which will help them with self defence and respect. “That way, they will make a positive impact on society,” he said.

The club trains on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 6pm to 8pm and children from as young as 8 years old are welcome. For more information, contact Cobus Robertson on 082 387 0132.

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