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GDE responds to pupil assault incident

Problem has been resolved amicably.

According to the Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) the matter between two families of Roodepoort Primary learners has been resolved amicably. The grandfather of one boy assaulted another boy on the school ground.

Spokesperson for the GDE, Oupa Bodibe said, “The GDE is aware of the incident that happened at the school where a learner was assaulted by another learner’s grandfather.

“According to a preliminary report, the incident occurred last week Wednesday outside the school premises. Two boys were playing and one of the learners hit another learner with a cricket bat,” said Bodibe.

“It was reported that on Thursday the grandfather assaulted the learner who accidentally hit his grandchild. One of the educators witnessed the incident and reported the matter to the principal. Both parties were called in and the matter was resolved amicably,” he said. Bodibe went on to say that in the event of serious misconducts such as bullying, sexual harassment, assault, gangsterism and violence, the GDE can act immediately. The guideline regarding the conduct of learners and disciplinary proceedings in public schools is outlined in General Notice 6903 of 2000 as amended by General Notice 2591 of 2001.

In addition, in very serious cases, psychosocial support is provided to victims and perpetrators. Learners (perpetrator and victim) are afforded psychological and educational assessment, the results of which are confidential. A discipline programme would also be introduced at the affected school. The District will provide the pupil with counselling.

Read initial atricle here: Grandfather assaults 10-year-old pupil at primary school

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