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Crime: Safety tips for women

Women should carry a whistle.

Women are some of the most vulnerable targets in society and should be extra vigilant and pro-active when it comes to their safety.

The following guidelines are provided to help minimise the risk of women falling prey to crimes such as sexual assault and rape.

? Your elbow is the strongest point in your body; use it to fight off an attack

? Carry a whistle with you and ensure easy access to it. Remember short blows attract attention

? Your voice is an excellent alarm system, so scream. Even wave your hands in the air to attract attention to yourself

? Always take the elevator instead of stairs, especially at night

? Don’t walk in the street talking or texting on your mobile phone

? Do not give a lift to a hitchhiker, even if it is a female

? If walking home, do so in a group, not alone. If you have to walk home alone, do so on a public road

? Do not take shortcuts through parks, sports fields or side roads

? Criminals will use anything to lure victims, so they can be robbed, raped or abducted. If you should hear a baby crying outside your window or front door, investigate through the window and rather call the police. Should you hear a baby cry in a dark corner of a parking area, rather call the security staff on duty; do not investigate by yourself. Should you hear a cry in a nearby bush, rather call the police

? Criminals work in teams. You could find that a woman claiming to be a victim of a crime or who needs help is used to draw you in. The woman may ask you to accompany her to help her with an injured older person/ child. Rather stay in the open and don’t move in the direction requested. Offer to make a call to the police or an ambulance

? Do not leave your drink/ beverage unattended in a public place. Do not accept a drink/ beverage that is already poured or of which the cap has been removed by a stranger. Your ‘prince charming’ could be a rapist or hijacker waiting to take advantage of you when you are vulnerable (drugged). Intoxicated women are generally soft targets, especially if they are alone on foot or travelling in a vehicle. Perpetrators wait outside clubs/ bars/ party venues and monitor women who are unsteady on their feet. They follow them to their vehicle or follow them on foot if they are walking home. Ensure that you are always in the company of other people when leaving an entertainment venue and you have consumed alcohol

Although this Bulletin is aimed at Woman, it can equally apply to men as well.

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