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Crime tips: Don’t be the boy who cried wolf

Alarm systems can have the opposite effect.

Although an alarm system is a great crime deterrent, it can also have a negative impact if not correctly used.

Security practitioner Louis Grobler has the following advice for getting the maximum advantage from your alarm system:

• Ensure people using your alarm system have been correctly trained.

• Try to minimise the number of people who operate the system.

• Before leaving the premises, check that all doors and windows are closed and secured.

• Ensure detection devices are not obstructed.

• If movement detectors are installed, do not introduce new sources of heat, movement or sound into the area they protect.

• Always follow the agreed entry/ exit procedure.

• Ensure you have all keys, alarm system code numbers and passwords available when entering or leaving the premises.

• Inform your security provider of any alterations to your premises which may affect your alarm system.

• Inform your security provider immediately of any damage to the alarm system, its detectors or wiring.

• Test your security/alarm system at least once a month with your service provider.

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