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Former Springbok refused bail for growing dagga

Magistrate says bail is not in the interest of his children.

A former Springbok weightlifter, who was arrested on 1 August, appeared in the Roodepoort Regional Court on charges of possession and cultivation of dagga.

The appearance was for a bail application. The investigating officer told the court that on the day of the arrest, while the police were waiting for a search warrant at the suspect’s house, his 16-year-old daughter alerted him as to the police’s presence since he was not at his home in Roodepoort West. He then instructed his daughter to destroy the evidence, which she did by moving the dagga plants to another part of the premises. The police caught her in the act though. When the man arrived home he asked the police if he could change his clothes, but when he was alone he also tried to destroy evidence by trying to flush some dagga down the toilet. Unfortunately for him it did not flush away properly and the police found the dagga floating in the toilet bowl.

Dagga biscuits (so-called space cakes) and lamps used in the cultivation process were also confiscated.

The accused’s lawyer argued that based on the investigating officer not opposing bail, the fact that he had a fixed address, that his passport was confiscated, his business was being neglected and his house was broken into while in jail, he should be granted bail. Presiding Magistrate Delize Smith denied bail saying the court’s first interest is the children.The man’s nine-year-old son also lives with him. In the light of the father instructing his teenage daughter to destroy evidence and the fact that dagga was cultivated on the property, Smith felt the children were in danger and therefore she could not grant bail until social workers prove otherwise. She also cited the law pertaining to Schedule 5 offences and emphasised that in terms of the law bail can be granted if it is in the interest of justice – not if it is in the interest of the accused. Smith said the court could possibly review the decision once social workers have assessed the situation.

The accused will appear in court again on 23 August.

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New low for those wanting to get high

Medicinal dagga available in state hospitals

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