
Pensioner’s shocking electricity bill

City Power claims 83-year-old uses 37 000kw a day.

R16 048 445.

This is the shocking ammount 83-year-old Discovery resident, Baby Doman was confronted with when she went to fetch her electricity bill at the Civic Center.

Although her problems with incorrect billing already started in July last year which saw her bill jumping from an average of R400 per month to a whopping R5000, nothing could prepare her for this bill.

Her son’s friend Charmaine Rossouw, says a new meter was installed in January and the contractor agreed the previous one was dysfunctional and it was impossible for City Power to do any remote readings from it.

According to the preposterous bill Doman received she used 37 000kw electricity a day, Rossouw says the pensioner does not even cook since the family takes her food every night.

Rossouw says she hopes to resolve the issue at the City of Johannesburg’s Open Day at the Roodepoort Town Hall on 28 February.

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