
Blende Avenue community taking back the neighbourhood

Group appeals to neighbours to join.

In order to take back the freedom and security of residents that has been insidiously eroded in Blende Avenue, a community building project was initiated by a local resident Deirdre Tholet in September this year..

“What has become known as the “WhatsApp” initiative is in the process of being replicated in various streets within the Roodekrans Neighbourhoosd Watch (RNW) precinct and has shown effectiveness in reducing the criminal activity in those areas. The participating members of each street are linked by the WhatsApp smartphone application in a dedicated group which enables each member to have access to every other member in that WhatsApp group and to issue alerts and crime intelligence instantly,” says Tholet. The Street Sheriff then conveys these alerts and information to the RNW’s operations room which is manned 24 hours a day, seven days a week and which coordinates the appropriate response needed.

Since September this initiative has steadily grown and is now been replicated throughout the RNW and hundreds of households have committed itself to unite in the fight against the ever growing scourge of violent crime in the Roodepoort area, says Tholet.

Following the initiative the RNW has welcomed Tholet as a committee member to take on and revitalise the stagnated “Street Sheriff” portfolio and to build the momentum necessary to make the RNW Street Sheriff programme a success.

According to Tholet the fundamental aim of the WhatsApp groups is to get neighbours to get to know each other and to actively participate in combating crime.

“In the areas where the roll-out of the initiative has taken place the neighbours have become more vigilant, more concerned and more caring towards each other’s well being by taking cognizance of things that simply appear out of place,” she says.

“The end of the year signifies the arrival of the silly season with its inevitable increase in levels of all crime. Whilst the RNW has committed itself to combat crime in all its guises it can only do so successfully with the support and active participation of the community that it seeks to protect.

“With this in mind the RNW appeals to each and every member of the community to become proactive, to join the RNW, to ask what each individual can do to reclaim the neighbourhood, one street at a time,” concludes Tholet.

Tholet can be contacted on 083 324 3163

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