
Roodekruin vets are caring

A good relationship with the Roodekruin Veterinary Clinic leaves a resident with a better understanding of her dog.

Geneviéve Olivier (email)

The Roodekruin Veterinary Clinic at the corner of Wilgerood Road and CR Swart Drive in Helderkruin/ Roodekruin takes the concept of loving and nurturing your cherished pets to a whole new level.

I have been taking my dog to the vets at the Roodekruin Clinic for two years now and I never once have come home feeling lost or unvalued.

The best part about this clinic is that they take an honest and genuine interest in each and every animal that comes through their doors.

None of the vets or front staff there has ever forgotten my dog’s name (or mine, for that matter) nor what his situation is.

The clinic actually has become a favourite outing for my little one who is there almost every week – sometimes twice a week.

My pet has had numerous check-ups and I have had long discussions with some of the vets and they have never charged me for helping me to understand my pet and his illness better.

I was even taught how to “tablet” a dog so that I could medicate my own dog better.

This is the kind of dedication that should be shown at all veterinary clinics. Sadly it is not.

That is why the Roodekruin Veterinary Clinic needs to be commended for being a safe haven for all animals and a place of refuge for sick, stray, abandoned and abused animals.

I am an animal lover and over the years I have brought in numerous dogs found running around in the streets.

The clinic has been so patient with me and has been home to some lost dogs for weeks on end. At the same time, the reception ladies are tirelessly helping me find new homes for these lost pets. The entire staff of the Roodekruin Veterinary Clinic is passionate, caring, nurturing, patient and understanding.

To all the ladies in the front – Eileen, Ziane, Marlize and Annico – and to all the vets I have worked with, including Dr Casper van Heerden, Dr Dyllan de Beer, Dr Conrad Kruse, Dr Simoné Weideman and Dr Johann van Niekerk, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

We treasure people like you.

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One Comment

  1. I can agree with the lady that commented on the service she recieved from the doctors and the lady`s infront at Helderkruin Vet.Had it not been for the promt help in Feb 2013 my Rottweiler that jumped through a glass window would of died. They saved her life she spent 6 weeks tbere .I got daily up dates. Seen strays bee brought in treated and every effort made to put them in loving home’s. Thanks everything you guy’s do for our animals all the others. God bless you

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