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Roodekrans homes up in flames

Roodekrans Neighbourhood watch: "There was nothing we could do"

“There was nothing we could do.”

This is what Ronnie Hendry, area leader of the Roodekrans Neighbourhood Watch told the Record while watching a lapa burning to the ground.

“When I arrived at the scene, a domestic worker of house number one in Kasuur Street was using a hose to try to dose the fire. I took over and tried to extinguish the fire myself, but unfortunately there was nothing we could do.

“Two minutes later my colleague contacted Joburg EMS and it took them at least 45 minutes to arrive on the scene. If only we could get emergency services at scenes quicker,” he said.

“We also couldn’t get into the property as the residents have large gates and palisade fencing. It’s extremely unfortunate. While criminals find a way into homes, we as honest people who want to help can not.

“I then looked across the valley and saw that a lapa was on fire somewhere in Disseldoring Street. Eventually I arrived at number 84 Disseldoring Street to find a neighbour desperately trying to extinguish the flames.

“But the attempts were hopeless as within five minutes the lapa burnt to the ground. It’s very sad and we feel for the people whose properties have been damaged.”

“I’ve never experienced a fire like this in my life,” Henry added.

“Three houses damaged”: Joburg EMS and “Just a dog was injured”: ER24 Friday 16 August

Joburg EMS spokesperson Robert Mulaudzi has confirmed that a total of three houses have been damaged seriously when a nasty veldfire spread to homes in Roodekrans on Thursday afternoon.

“We sent five out fire engines, the first engine arrived around 3.30pm. We had about 20 firefighters on the ground to contain the fire. There were three houses affected, one of them was damaged badly. Fortunately there were no injuries or deaths reported.

“It seems that the windy conditions made matters worse and firefighters worked hard to save homes and property.

“At this stage it is unclear how the veldfire had started. This will remain the subject of an investigation but the most likely possibilities are that someone either lit grass on purpose or threw a cigarette in the veldt.”

Resident of Disseldoring Street, Heinrich Hoock informed the Record that the last fire engine left at around 8pm.

ER24 spokesperson Vanessa Jackson also confirmed that no one was injured.

“No injuries were reported but there was a little dog who had burnt its legs as well as suffered burns on its ear. We patched him up and the public transported him to nearest vet.”

The injured dog.
The injured dog.

Roodekrans homes up in flames Thursday 15 August

At least two homes were damaged in separate streets in Roodekrans when a veldfire turned nasty on Thursday afternoon 15 August.

Quick to arrive at the scene were members of Watchtower Krugersdorp and City of Joburg EMS. ER24 also arrived to provide assistance.

“Two homes are damaged at this stage with no one reported to be injured or dead,” Joburg EMS Chief on the scene, Francois Swanepoel confirmed.

Houses affected by the fire are numbers 2 Kasuur Street and 84 Disseldoring Street.

The home in Kasuur Street came off the worst as firefighters continuously battled to extinguish flames at the back of the house. A large area including the pool, a lapa and braai area as well as a few rooms were destroyed. A number of windows also were broken.

It seems that only the lapa at the house situated in Disseldoring Street caught alight.

Residents in other streets reported no serious damage to their properties but firefighters were spotted in most streets including Belladonna Street to make sure that the fire remained under control.

According to Chris von Beunecke from Apcan Security, “We heard that the owner of house number 2 in Kasuur Street is away in Cape Town celebrating his 40th birthday. He is to return home tonight some time.”

One resident in Kasuur street, Adrian van Eeden said, “We have had a few veldfires and two close calls in the past 12 years, but this is by far the worst”.

A resident in Disseldoring Street, Heinrich Hoock told the Record that, “The veldfire was visible since 2.30pm and soon things got out of hand. I immediately contacted emergency services.”

A number of dogs also suffered some burns.

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One Comment

  1. We are the owners of the house. Thank you to the Watchtower Society’s fire engine who was there first on the scene to try and save our house. The municipal fire brigade only arrived 45 minutes later. That is disgusting. Then they didn’t even have tools to open the fire hydrant. What a bunch of monkeys. Then they still have the audacity to send you a bill…what a joke.

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