Child car seats – Are bulky clothes risking your child’s life?

You wouldn’t wear a size 36 pair of jeans if you were a size 34, right? When you put your child in a car seat wearing a bulky, winter jacket, you’re essentially doing the same thing – but with potentially dire consequences. With winter around the corner, now is the ideal time for parents to take a closer look at the link between car seats, winter jackets and their children’s safety. 

1st for Women Insurance says that while the National Road Traffic Act stipulates that children under the age of three must be in a car seat and that children between the ages of three and 14, or 1.5 meters tall, must be in a car seat if one is available, the Automobile Association (AA) says that one-third of children are still travelling without one. Studies show that if a child safety seat is correctly installed, and used by children aged 0 to four years, it can reduce the need for hospitalisation by 69 per cent after a road accident.

According to Seugnette van Wyngaard, Head of 1st for Women Insurance: “Bulky jackets create the illusion that your child is safely buckled into their car seat when in fact the opposite is true. If you tighten your child’s harness around a thick jacket, that jacket will compress during an accident, making the harness loose and leading to an increased risk of injury. The problem with a thick jacket is that the harness may appear to be tight on the child when in fact, there’s too much space created by the soft fabric between the jacket and the child.”

Taking this into consideration, your child should be dressed only in clothes that they would wear inside your house. This way their harness can be securely fastened and be as snug as possible. Avoiding extra slack in the harness applies to children in booster seats as well.

1st for Women Insurance offers these tips for car seat safety:

Many parents believe that it is safe to hold their baby in their arms or keep their child on their lap in the car, but this is not true. Research has shown that passengers have less than half a second to react to a collision or sudden stop, and it’s unlikely an adult can hold onto a child during this time.

“When choosing a seat, it’s important to get one that matches your child’s weight. If a child is restrained in the wrong system for their age or weight, or the straps or harnesses are not adequately secured or entirely left undone, it will put the child at an increased risk of both fatal and non-fatal injuries.”

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