Why breakfast is so important for growing children

Breakfast is called 'the most important meal of the day', and for good reason. A healthy breakfast sets the day's tone for your child.

Ensuring that your child eats a healthy breakfast every morning can be challenging, especially if they don’t want to eat first thing in the morning or if you’re rushing to get ready and out the door. But here’s why you should never, ever let your children skip breakfast.

Breakfast and your child’s mental wellbeing

Without breakfast, studies show that children become irritable, tired, and restless, unable to complete tasks or listen to instructions.

Breakfast and your child’s physical wellbeing

Breakfast is not a meal that your children should skip, according to a nutritionist. A nutritious breakfast sets the tone for the rest of the day. “Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day for children because it gives them energy for the day,” says Monique Piderit, a dietitian and member of the South African Yoghurt in Nutrition Initiative.

“Breakfast contributes to a higher-quality diet overall, whereas skipping it has been linked to poorer dietary choices. If children do not start the day with a balanced, nutritious meal, they are more likely to crave salty processed foods like chips or sugary treats like biscuits and muffins throughout the day. This is because these processed foods provide a quick energy boost, which children crave when their blood sugar levels fall too low as a result of skipping a meal.”

Children who eat breakfast have healthier overall eating habits and are more likely to engage in physical activities during the day because they have more energy. A healthy breakfast, such as fruit, yogurt, and wholewheat toast, provides fibre (from whole grains and cereals), calcium (from milk or yogurt), and important micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals (from fresh fruit and vegetables).

Child-friendly breakfast options

It can be difficult to make a healthy family breakfast when you’re rushing to get yourself and the kids ready in the morning, or convincing sleepy, grumpy kids to eat breakfast because they’re not hungry first thing. If this sounds like your morning, establishing a breakfast routine can help, as does choosing breakfast options your child will enjoy. Try these quick and healthy breakfast ideas at home:

Good to note


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