[COMPLETE ARTICLE] Lions Club spreads Christmas cheer to the elderly

Old friends got to see one another again and former classmates reminisced about the good old days.

The Standerton Lions Club honoured Standerton’s senior citizens with a Christmas lunch on 9 December.

A total of 53 guests was treated to a three-course-meal and some drinks.

This event is held annually and also aims to honour senior citizens who have made a telling contribution to the town.

Old friends got to see one another again and former classmates reminisced about the good old days.

Throughout the year the club raises money which is set aside for this event.

“Some people spend this time of the year alone for various reasons,” Mr Donovan Henri said.

“We want them to be around other people as it is a time for sharing and caring.”

Ms Annetjie Carelse, who has been attending the lunch for four years, was grateful.

“This is a wonderful day to socialise and enjoy the day with everyone,” she said.

This was echoed by Mr John van der Poel.

“I am here sitting next to my ‘chomma’ and catching up, thank you Lions Club.”

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