Frustration on the rise as Autumn Ridge residents lament slow pace of development

Autumn Ridge residents are increasingly frustrated by development of roads and drainage system in their area.

Residents of Autumn Ridge (Nomdeni) are frustrated and are saying development of the estate is at a slow pace with roads deteriorating and security increasingly becoming non-existent.

This came as the development is growing larger by the year with more houses being built.

Some residents are lamenting the fact that they have been there since 2015 and still have to make do with unpaved roads in front of their yards.

It is especially worse in the rainy season, with the roads not conducive for motorists because there is allegedly no drainage system.

The Autumn Ridge/Nomdeni Committee was formed that looks after the interests of residents in the area.

It has continuously met with the developer of the area to push for development and get assistance to erect a fence that separates the development from the railwayline next to it.

The developer in question and in charge is the Casa Development Group.

When the Highvelder enquired about some of the issues in Autumn Ridge, a representative said the roads in Autumn Ridge are currently being paved and a drainage system will be installed.

On the issue of the fence, the developer pointed out that it was not the responsibility of the developer to install the fence and that they have offered assistance to the residents and agreed to erect a fence.

No date was mentioned for when the project will begin or be completed.

The Highvelder visited the area and saw that work was being currently done on one of the roads.

The committee met on 11 May to discuss the problems that have to be addressed urgently.

According to the committee, security remains a problems, with the security at the main entrance to be handed over to the residents by the developer in December.

This means residents will be responsible for the security.

Another burning issue is that houses are not being maintained by the developer.

The houses have a guarantee of five years however there are cracks, paint is peeling and ceilings are on the verge of caving in.

Questions regarding these issues were not answered at time of going to print. Phone enquiries revealed the developer was aware of the committee and the issues at the estate.

The development group was adamant that all the matters raised by the residents would be attended to.

The security at the main entrance to Autumn Ridge (Nomdeni) remains a big concern because the developer is set to hand over the responsibility to the residents at the end of this year.
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