Menstrual cramps: 10 Ways to ease the pain

There are some ways to relieve the pain associated with the cramps.

Menstrual cramps, or dysmenorrheoa in medical jargon, are a chemical problem.

Article regards of South Coast Herald.

Dr Penny Wise Budoff, director of the Women’s Medical Center in Bethpage, New York, writes in The Doctors Book of Home Remedies that many women needlessly suffer from menstrual cramps.

Not every women suffers from cramps, but if you do, try these self-help remedies which might provide some relief.

1. Get into balance. Don’t skip meals and don’t eat too much junk food.

2. Take your vitamins.

3. Mind your minerals. Women taking calcium tend to suffer less pain.

4. Cut out caffeine.

5. Abstain from alcohol.

6. Don’t do diuretics. They tend to take minerals from your body.

7. Warm up. This will increase your blood flow.

8. Take a mineral bath.

9. Take a brisk walk and also stretch.

10. Take a pill. Aspirin and paracetamol are effective.

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