
How to make a Christmas card as a toddler

Why not let your children make a snowman Christmas card for that something extra this holiday season?

Giving a Christmas card is one of the oldest traditions around when it comes to the holiday season.

Why not put your children to work and make a Christmas card to make it just that little bit more special?

Receiving a card is special, but receiving a homemade card is priceless.

Why not let your children make a snowman Christmas card for that something extra this holiday season?

You will need construction paper, glue, scissors, three to four cotton balls and glitter or stickers.

This can be done in six easy steps.

  • Step 1 – Give your child a piece of construction paper and have it folded in half for the Christmas card.
  • Step 2 – Let your children cut two circles on the bottom of the page to give you the snowman outline.
  • Step 3 – Take cotton wool and spread it apart for your snowman.
  • Step 4 – Take the cotton wool and clue it to the bottom of your card to indicate snow, then clue some cotton in the circles for the snowman’s body.
  • Step 5 – Make the snowman’s eyes, nose, mouth, hands and hat from construction paper and add anything else you feel you want to to the snowman.
  • Step 6 – Decorate the rest of your card with glitter or stickers of your choice, like stars.

Remember to write a message on the inside and your card is ready to be mailed to your friends and family.

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