Live and let live

Surely pride of doing the work one was appointed to do must enter the equation at one point or another, and even more so with those who provide basic services for our fellow human beings?

The power outages that occurred in parts of Ermelo last week and over the weekend have left many questions unanswered.

Accusations and counter-accusations have been bandied about and “expert” opinions by very “knowledgeable” people such as Aunty Mabel in the Cape have been placed on record on social media platforms.

First we hear a cable has blown and will be repaired soon. Then we hear council workers are on all-out strike and refuse to carry out repairs, but this is explained away by informing us that there is no all-out strike, but it is simply a “down tools” action.

This is followed by rumours of outside contractors being called in but thwarted by sabotage. Add to this mix rumours of the council having no spare parts in store and having no money to buy spare parts.

Whatever has caused the latest lengthy power outage or whatever has given rise to the problem escalting into a finger-pointing match, the fact of the matter is many residents were left with financial and material losses while all the bickering was going on.

Surely pride of doing the work one was appointed to do must enter the equation at one point or another, and even more so with those who provide basic services for our fellow human beings.

The grannies, abuGogos, invalids and old folk that have to battle along in the dark and cold nights while the workers are “making themselves heard” have nothing to do with wage and employment demands of those who work in service delivery.

Why should they and other households have to endure hardship and be held to ransom by workers who have issues with their employers?

I don’t for one moment suggest that workers must not be allowed to air their grievanvces, but disputes should be ironed out via the correct channels and in a manner that does not compromise the Aunty Mabels and abuGogos of this world.

Let ‘s live and let live.

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