Duo from Secunda Round Table takes on open sea challenge to help children

Phillip Marais and Wikus Claassens of Secunda Round Table 231 will compete in the Six Gun Grill Trans Agulhas Challenge in Plettenberg Bay, on December 28, in aid of a local charity.

With the help of Secunda Round Table 231, Phillip Marais and Wikus Claassens will compete for the first time in the Six Gun Grill Trans Agulhas Challenge in Plettenberg Bay on December 28 in a vie to raise money for SAVF Child and Youth Care Centre in Secunda.

The four-day challenge, described as the world’s toughest inflatable boat challenge, will run over 700km of ocean, starting at Plettenberg Bay and ending in Gordons Bay.

More than 40 teams will be battling it out in their inflatable boats in the waves in four different classes, namely novice, stock, pro-stock and modified class.

Phillip (pilot) and Wikus (co-pilot) will be competing against teams in the novice class, alongside their four teammates Carl van Staden (ground crew), Chris Claassens (team manager), Zack Zotter (ground crew) and Martin Olivier (ground crew).

Phillip Marais and Wikus Claassens will compete in the Six Gun Grill Trans Agulhas Challenge in Plettenberg Bay on December 28. Photo: Chris Claassens

All proceeds Phillip and Wikus raise will go to the Secunda Round Table 231, raising much-needed funds towards new transportation for the SAVF Child and Youth Care Center.

“Our goal is to raise enough money to allow the purchase of a new transportation bus,” said Wikus.

Transport, branding, accommodation, diesel, food and much more needed for this challenge will cost the men around R100 000.

Grip & Rip Crossfit Centre helps Phillip and Wikus to get into tip-top shape as this challenge requires extreme fitness.

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When asked why attempting such a gruelling challenge, Phillip said, “Because nothing worth doing should be easy. We took a long shot. This is the first time that both of us are doing something like this.

“When we saw the action we decided this is something that we can do hand-in-hand with the Round Table and the children’s home to raise money,” said Wikus.

After purchasing a rubber duck earlier this year and joining clubs False Bay Inflatable Boat Club and the Zodiac Inflatable Boat Club, Phillip and Wikus competed in the Vaal Dam Ice Block event in July.

“This was our first race. We won the long haul, 160km and the circuit race in the novice stock standard class,” said Phillip.

Phillip Marais and Wikus Claassens will compete in the Six Gun Grill Trans Agulhas Challenge in Plettenberg Bay on December 28. Photo: Chris Claassens

Wikus said that although their only thought, in the beginning, was to enter the Trans Agulhas, they had to enter something to see if they would be able to be competitive with a rubber duck and water.

“The Vaal is flat water, the Trans Agulhas is the ocean and huge waves. It is completely different,” said Wikus.

The speed can go anywhere from 60km/h to 90km/h on flat water. However, the speed of the ocean will be lesser due to the waves and currents.

The duo will head off before the Trans Agulhas to get in practice sessions, perfecting techniques and prepping the motors according to competition standards. Phillip said when they decided to take on this challenge, it had to be for a good cause.

“The Round Table provides us this platform,” said Wikus.

The duo request local businesses and residents to support their cause with any cash amounts, big or small.

“The main sponsor will be branded on our boat. This event will be broadcast both nationally and internationally,” said Phillip.

For sponsorship and more information, contact Wikus at 071 333 2689, Phillip on 076 161 3548 or Carl on 072 072 3337

For more on the Trans Agulhas stages and about this event visit www.trans-agulhas.com

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