Athletics changes life for eMbalenhle teen

She said her future is not determined by her home background, but by her actions.

Athletics changed 19-year-old Nonhlanhla Mabuza’s life and opened many doors for her.

This eMbalenhle-born athlete was recruited by Tuks Sports Academy while still a Grade 7 learner at Vukuzithathe Primary School six years ago.

She said her school sports where teachers use to choose the best runners played a major role in realising her dream.

“I began running in 2014 at school and in 2015 I joined Sasol Development in Athletics where my talent became a reality.

Mabuza won the provincial cross country marathon that was held in Middelburg in 2016.

“I was identified by Tuks’s head coach and invited for trials.

“I passed the trials and was offered a scholarship for my Grade 8 at Tuks’ sports high school,” said Mabuza.

She won her first silver medal at the national cross country schools athletics championship in 2017 and in 2018 she clinched another silver medal.

“I also won the Thembisa Street Mile race,” said Mabuza.

Being a learner at the Tuks sports high school, Mabuza has to balance sports and learning.

Her future plan is to become a professional athlete.

She said her future is not determined by her home background, but by her actions.

“You are the Cinderella of your own story, the difference is that there is no Prince Charming to help you.

“You must fight till you reach your goal,” said Mabuza.

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