School sportSport

Lannique Graham excels at KwaZulu Natal Tent Pegging Championship

Graham received the highest score during the Championship and was included in the U/18A-KZN team, where she is the youngest rider in the team.

ERMELO – Lannique Graham from Ligbron Academy for Technology won the O’Donoghue Floating Trophy for best ladies at arms at the KwaZulu Natal Tent Pegging Championship.

Tentpegging, formerly known as Gymkhana, involves swords and lances, with which the rider has to strike an object at a full gallop.
Riders speed and accuracy on horseback is tested.
Graham received the highest score during the Championship and was included in the U/18A-KZN team, where she is the youngest rider in the team.
She won two gold medals and three silver medals during the event.
The gold medals was obtained in the Indian File Lance category and Indian File sword category, and the silver medals in the following categories; skilled arms, section lance and half section sword.
Lannique will represent KwaZulu-Natal at the South African Championships that will take place in Middelburg during December.


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