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Impact of Covid-19 on Standerton athletes

According to the club, mountain biking was popular at one stage and running then made a comeback.

The Comrades Marathon and Two Oceans as well as other races are not to be this year.

The Standerton Advertiser had a meeting with the chairman and treasurer of the Standerton Marathon Club on Tuesday, 16 February about the impact on athletics.

Messrs Manus Mentz and Malcolm Johnston described the situation as bad.

“Marathon runners exercise during the week and take part in competitions on weekends,” Mr Mentz said.

The popular Goldi Marathon in Standerton used to be one of the qualifying races for the Comrades Marathon.

More than 1 400 participants took on the course in 2019.

Without Athletics SA making the call, the Goldi Marathon was cancelled due to the lockdown.

Hellen Marima of Standerton has been training for the Comrades Marathon for the past two years.

“It’s a big disappointment and I was hoping to enter this year,” she said.

“I said to myself I am not going to disappoint myself.”

According to the club, mountain biking was popular at one stage and running then made a comeback.

“The bottom line is that no income is received,” Mr Johnston said.

Mr Mentz also said the club is in the favourable position that no expenditure such as salaries and rent has to be contended with.

“With Malcolm’s guidance, we were able to build up a kitty.”

The money-flowing in athletics is because of licence fees since a licence is needed for cases of public liability at organised events.

“Every athlete is registered on the database of Athletics SA,” Mr Johnston commented.

The club has between 20 to 30 members and athletes usually apply in January for licences.

The club prints vests in club colours for events. Time trials are allowed at this stage and athletes can run on Tuesdays.

“People are welcome to come to the club to run, regardless of membership,” Mr Mentz concluded.

“The situation won’t change soon.”

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