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Jan Grey swings his way to victory at Ermelo Country Club IPS Competition

The next IPS Club Competition will take place on 13 July at the Ermelo Country Club.

An IPS Club Competition took place at the Ermelo Country Club on 3 July.

A total of 16 golfers took part in the event.

Jan Grey came first with 34 points and Dirk Koch took second place.

The Sundowner competition was sponsored PAN Solutions on 5 July.

Score cards must still be calculated by committee members and results will soon be shared.

The Medal Monthly Mug Club Competition saw 32 participants on 6 July.

Pierre Grobler took first place with a score of 72.

In second place was Deon Breytenbach and Piet Swanepoel came in third.

The next IPS Club Competition will take place on 13 July at the Ermelo Country Club.

Read the complete article in the Highvelder newspaper.

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