Divers can explore the ocean

Diving is not a cheap sport.

SECUNDA – Diving is one of those sports that people either love and will want to do for the rest of their lives or they do not like it and will only do it once in their lives.

It is not a cheap sport, so if you consider it, you better begin saving.

South Africa offers some of the most beautiful diving spots and is the perfect place to do your open water course.

The equipment or gear you need to take up diving is:

* A wet suit or a diving suit.

* A mask and a snorkel.

* Fins.

* Diving boots.

* Buoyancy Control Device (BCD).

* Regulator.

* Cylinder.

* Alternative air source.

* Pressure gauge.

* Dive computer.

Do not worry, you do not have to buy all the above mentioned equipment at once.

Most divers only buy what they refer to as soft gear which includes a wet suit, a mask, a snorkle and fins.

They rent the rest of the equipment at the place where they go diving.

If you like to explore and are adventurous, enjoy water and animals, you will probably like diving.

Diving opens up another underwater world.

It is like going to a game reserve, it is just underwater.

Divers get the opportunity to get close to the giants of the ocean, such as whales, and also the predators, such as sharks.

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