
Water crises in Eendracht

Please tell me what seems to be the problem with our water supply in Eendracht. We have been for the second time in the last 14 days, without water since early Saturday morning. The previous time we were without water for five days and now again for three days. This is not a once-off situation, …

Please tell me what seems to be the problem with our water supply in Eendracht.

We have been for the second time in the last 14 days, without water since early Saturday morning.

The previous time we were without water for five days and now again for three days.

This is not a once-off situation, it is a regular occurrence which suggests a lack of planning or incompetent workers.

Another thing that amazes everyone in Eendracht, is that while we are having these serious problems with droughts, water and services, the dam water level on the outskirts of Eendracht has not diminished at all while all the other dams in the vicinity are less than half capacity.

Leaving one to wonder whether the water meant for the residents are being pumped into the dam which is used for communal cattle.

Water flowing down the main road for days on end in Leslie, is a natural occurrence but we have just been notified of water restrictions, our water is not even restricted, it is non-existent for days on end.

I have had enough lies and excuses, on top of that our refuse have not been removed in three weeks, nor sewage pumped in a month.

Sewage is streaming down the culverts, causing fly infestations as well as all other sorts of health hazards.

Where does our money go to which we pay every month for non-service?

I am sick and tired of having to pay for no service.

My account is never in arrears compared to the majority who just demand and refuse to pay their electricity, water, rates and taxes etc.

Continuous promises of sewerage connected to the main system, street lights and tarred roads are just empty water pipes.

We’re worse off than most rural areas that do not even have a municipality.

We cannot build retirement or old age home facilities on our church property, because there is no infrastructure, according to the municipal officials.

Yet, apart from all the shacks that were erected two years ago where houses are being built two on a stand, I wonder where the infrastructure comes from

to accommodate those families.

Houses are built in direct conflict of building regulations and by-laws of prefabricated fencing material and plastered over.

We have to contend with building that is never finished, debris being strewn all over the town and unsightly shacks with no fencing or fallen down fencing.

I do not even want to start on the matter of cattle and stray dogs which are roaming the town, causing nuisance and damage to our properties, nor the backyard keeping of livestock and slaughtering for all and sundry to hear and see, again in conflict with bylaws.

No one has any regard for rules nor regulations whatsoever and law-abiding citizens are words in some pre-historic dictionary and era.

Sick of excuses, Eendracht.

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