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Sasol holds virtual AGM

Table is open for questions at AGM.

Sasol held a virtual AGM on January 19.

This comes after their AGM held in Sandton last year in November was disrupted by environmental activists who protested.

Again, the biggest topic on the table was Sasol’s gas emission plans.

Sasol’s current CEO, Fleetwood Grobler’s term came to an end at the end of December, but he will work closely with the newly appointed CEO, Simon Baloyi, to ensure a smooth transition.

At the meeting, Sasol’s management said the company’s weak performance is because of the ongoing power outages nationally.

Sasol’s aim is to achieve a 30% reduction in gas emissions by 2030.

“We have been transparent and kept you informed,” said Grobler at the meeting.

“We are actively looking for solutions and there is no silver bullet to climate change.

“There are some factors that are outside of Sasol’s control.”

Two former Sasol employees, Ian Erasmus, who is also involved now in the ongoing court case between Sasol and the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, and Grant McGillian wanted answers on a few things.
Erasmus asked why Sasol appointed a new CEO who could not, at the beginning of the year, take over from the former CEO, Fleetwood Grobler.

Erasmus asked if the new CEO, Simon Baloyi, is then really the best candidate for the job and also if Baloyi is going to do something different to protect whistle-blowers.

This comes after Erasmus was suspended in 2017 after he reported a large valve that was leaking to his managers several times since 2005.

Erasmus claimed he was victimised by his senior managers since he reported the valve.

However by the end of the meeting, although two of Sasol’s biggest investors, Old Mutual and Ninety One voted against Sasol’s climate change plans, Sasol did manage to get 77% of votes in their favour and reached a resolution.

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