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Cops warn kids against taking nude photos

It is a criminal offence for a teenager to take a naked photo of yourself and to send it to others.

The Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offence (FCS) Unit of the police with its offices based in Secunda is experiencing an increase in pornography cases among school children.

It came out that children from several schools in Secunda and the surrounding areas are sending each other nude photos.

Warrant Officer Gloudie Sachse from the FCS unit said many children and parents do not realise or understand that this is a criminal offence.

“If you take a photo of yourself naked, you are creating child pornography, if you are sending that photo to someone else, you are distributing child pornography and if you receive such a photo, you are in possession of child pornography,” said Sachse.

All three of these actions are criminal offences and further action will be taken against children committing these offences. Sachse warned children not to commit these offences.

“You can be charged with three crimes.

“Any videos, photos or selfies you take of your private parts is against the law and you can be prosecuted.”

She urged parents to check their children’s phones and make sure they do not take part in these criminal activities.

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