Season’s greetings from mayor of Standerton

The Auditor-General of South African has given an improved audit outcome for the 2022/2023 financial year from the consecutive disclaimers in the previous years.

Season’s greeting to all our residents!

It is that time of the year where we, individually, take holiday which many use to reflect on achievements and challenges encountered throughout the year.

This period is used to rest and reset so that we can start the new year rejuvenated and ready seize new opportunities and tackle the challenges with fresh mind, body and spirit.

We had an eventful year that was not without challenges and difficulties.

What makes me happy is that the challenges we faced during the 2023 year were a lesson and gave a great experience we will use to forge ahead with our mission of rebuilding Lekwa and providing our residents with quality services they deserve.

I am very proud to share with the community that we had more achievements than challenges as we continued to work hard to ensure that the streetlights are working, our towns are clean and residents enjoy clean, drinkable water from their taps, not through water tankers.

Walking in the darkness at night for many years, has now changed to be the thing of the past in some areas as streetlights and high mast lights are working.

We are marching on towards a cleaner and a safer municipality because our streets are becoming cleaner and slowly heaps and heaps of refuse are being removed.

Together with Sanral and the Department of Transport, we have declared war on our roads, both internal and provincial, and victory against potholes and dongas is imminent.

This is because we have managed to successfully negotiate for the takeover of Nelson Mandela Drive and portion of Walter Sisulu Road by Sanral.

The total maintenance of this section of the road is now their responsibility and they have begun to patch it.

The municipality’s application to be admitted to Eskom Debt Relief Programme was approved by the National Treasury.

This is an endorsement that Lekwa is now out of the dysfunctional zone as of one the conditions are, we must show that we are capable to raising enough revenue to pay Eskom’s current account.

This will also ensure that we save some money for the much-needed service delivery provision.

The Auditor-General of South African has given an improved audit outcome for the 2022/2023 financial year from the consecutive disclaimers in the previous years.

This just highlight few of the many things we have achieved in 2023. There is more that still needs to be done.

Let us be reminded that this is a time to share love, gifts and memories as we enjoy the festive together.

As we do that, let us remember those who are less fortunate in our neighbourhoods and also share with them in the true spirit of ubuntu.

Let me encourage all road users to work together and be patient on the roads to avoid unnecessary road accidents and loss of life.

Not only should we avoid drinking and driving, but we must also avoid drinking and walking because we are losing many pedestrians too on our roads.

I humbly make this appeal that no life be lost in our roads in this period and it is only our behaviour and attitude that can prevent that.

I call upon all of us, motorists, passengers and pedestrians to take all necessary means to ensure that we avoid preventable accidents, and all road users reach their destinations safely.

We can only save lives on the roads when we exercise caution and be patient with one another. Let us be aware of those who take advantage of the festive season by committing criminal activities. They know that many people will be going to various destinations and target their homes.

We must become the custodians of our neighbourhood by reporting suspicious activities to the police.

In this festive season, let us all be vigilant and refuse to allow gender-based-violence to happen in our presence, either in our homes, in our streets, in our neighbourhoods and in our municipality.

No woman nor child must become a statistic. Nobody deserves to be abused. We shall be the protectors of our society and we should not allow perpetrators of Gender Based Violence in our society.

Lastly, I wish to thank all our employees for their dedication to serve our people. Let me once again take this opportunity to wish all our residents and our visitors a merry Christmas and prosperous new year.

Let us not forget those we lost in 2023, our memories and our prayers are forever with them, their families and their friends.

I thank you!

Information: Delani Louis Thabethe

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