Communities pull up sleeves to clean Bronkhorstspruit, Cullinan and Delmas

“I appreciate every smile, wave and hooting that was received during the cleaning campaign.”

Not only has Delmas been awarded with KykNET Kwêla’s Town of the Year for 2023 award, neighbouring towns now seem to have joined in the campaign to clean and bring back their towns to its former pride and glory.

Doctor Martin van Rensburg and Madel Fourie formed the now well-known group, Delmas Herleef / Revive in 2021.

With a humble group of volunteers from within the community and a few donations they started to fill potholes, picked up rubble, trimmed overgrown parks and shrubs, cleaned the graveyard and painted road signs and curbs.

“Soon businesses, farmers and individuals joined in the effort and with very hard work and commitment from our community volunteers we were able to win the competition,” said Fourie.

Delmas Herleef / Revice bins, placed in many strategic places in Delmas.

Today, October 24, we have taken to the parks of Delmas with our very own tractor and slasher.”

“We are also very proud and pleased with the Victor Khanye Local Municipality. We had a meeting with them about the terrible state of the R42-road coming into Delmas from the N12. Without hesitation, they agreed, and the clean up started right away.”

Bronkies Team Up to Clean Up
In Bronkhorstspruit the Team Up to Clean Up took to the streets again on October 19. Litter pickers took their gloves and moved down Kruger, Church and Lanham streets, picking up the rubble in the road.

The deep-clean team worked with tipper trucks to clear the municipal area. Community members removed rocks, stones, tree stumps, dead trees and branches as well as broken wooden pole fencing and dug up many concrete blocks with steel pieces protruding for removal.

Two homeless hideouts with toilets next to the cooking areas, one next to the police station, the other was under the trees between the post office and the municipal building, was cleared out.

Members of the community were hard at work to clean their town.

The cleaning team found needles, human faeces and rotten bits of clothing and shoes in the trees.

A problem area behind Goudpark, where prostitutes met some of their clients, was strewn with illegally dumped litter between the bushes and overgrown shrubs were part of the clean up of the day.

Vasti Mills, the main organiser, said, “This is also a safe getaway for criminals from Lane, Hoek and Silver streets and retirement villages.”

The clean-up group then moved from De la Ray to Burger Street to clear the area of illegal household garbage and garden rubble.

Mills said the municipal stormwater pipes ended in a trench between the R25 and Burger Street and were in a poor state because of illegal dumping.

Tons of sand and stones are removed from next to the roads in town.

Again, the team removed loads of sand before moving back to the police station, where community members loaded another heap of someone’s rubble found at the back of the antique shop opposite Erasmus Pharmacy.

“The dynamics of the clean-up changed compared to the last because there was not as much litter in and around the streets this time,” said Mills.

SA Cares for a cleaner Cullinan
In Cullinan, a team of volunteers from SA Cares came together on October 20 to help clean the main road going into Cullinan.

The clean-up started at the four-way crossing at the Shell Garage and picked up any rubble that was in and next to the road.

Refuse bags were sponsored by Cullinan Spar and the gloves by Cullinan Pharmacy. Ward 100 Councillor, Johannes Bekker also joined in picking up rubble.

“Everyone worked hard and they ended up at the Dolphin Whisper Guest House,” said Bekker.

“I appreciate every smile, wave and hooting that was received during the cleaning campaign.”

Makietie in Delmas
The Delmas Herleef / Revive Committee invites residents from all neighbouring towns to join them at the Delmas Kwêla Makietie on November 4.

“The Makietie is part of our price as town of the year. It promises to be a fantastic event with many stalls, Hannes van Wyk, famous singers like Snotkop, Irene-Louise van Wyk and Danny Smoke as well as kykNET soapie stars to name just a few.

“Come visit us at the Delmas Herleef / Revive stall and find out more about the road behind us, but more importantly about the road ahead,” said Madel Fourie.

“Together we make a difference.”

Ticket is available at

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